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Horton's Addition Block 261 Card 1

HORTON'S ADDITION BLOCK 261 CARD 1.tif HORTON'S ADDITION BLOCK 261 W90' of Lot F & W90' of s of Lot El- Permit DENIED to Harold A. & Sema Tarlov to conv exist playrm to a penthoui,e----apt on top of exist 35 unit, 4 story apt bldg which bldg covers B3i of the property & with no sideyd for a port of the bldg. at 2309 5th Ave. Res. 5441 4-4-5i W90' of Lot F & W90' s of Lot E- Permit to Harold & Sema Tarlov to conv exist pent- house into apt & corrv 4 exist apts to 8 studio apts, maintaining 83~ coverage & O' side yd at 2309 5th Ave., Zone C Res. 9068 8-3-55 ElO' s Lots D & I, ElO' Lot E & F, all of G & H- Permit to Harry Phelps & Henry Wheeler, owners & Leo Gunn & H,W. Nelson, lessees, to continue oper of dental lab & ~ave name plat in bldg., on NW cor 6th & Juniper R-4 & C Zones. Res, 9135 8-31-55 Lot J & portions of Lots C, D & I- ZA considered request of AMREAL BALBOA ASSOCIATES- to constr. a 6-story, with underground parking, 10-unit condo. complex: l) to observe a 15' rear yard setback where 27' is reqd.; 2) to reduce parking by one space; 3) to erect 45' of 6 1 high masonry wall observing at the closest point a 7' front yard where a max. 3' hi wall is permitted within the 15' front yard at 2300 block of 6th Ave, between Juniper & Kalmia Sts., Zones R-400 & C. & has DENIED AS REQUESTED BUT APPROVED designating the building as a 5-story structure with underground parking subj. to conds. C-19914 3/14/86 APPEALED to BZA on 5/7/86- BZA DENIES appeal, S- therefore, SUSTAINS & AFFIRMS decision of the Zoning Administrator.