Horton's Addition Block 229
HORTON'S ADDITION BLOCK 229.tif ''f"':,.-..,.-~-~ ~-~~--~":'~" T HORTON 1S ADDITION-----,---...:--- BLOCK 229 Lot L- suspension of R-4 (Ord. 12987) to allow office bldg., DENIED to Harry LaVee,)~ 1965- 5th Ave.. Res.;71280 4/30/40 / Lot G- Permit to Assembly of God ChiJrch to const a sign 12' x 3 1 311 over entrance on Fir St. NW corner 0 6th & Fir Res. 1379 3/14/46 Lots G, H, I, & E 20' of D- Condi permit to First Assembly of God thBrch to const add to__ exis_!__ Church w_it~_ overc9.v~_!l_~ ot_1~10 Sq. Ft. 590 Fir-~t_._____ Res. e181 5/J~/54_______ / Lots G. H, I & E 20' of D- 6 mo ext to Res. 8181 ABOVE to First Assembly of God Church at V 590 Fir St. Res. 8607 11 /10/54---- ------ '--.,---------~----- ". Lots G, H, I, & E 17,5' of D- Permit to First Assembly of God Church to const addn to 1 exist church to have 7' side yd,cGverlng parcel 82% (60% permitted) & extend basement to__ w_ithin 4~__ o_f N p_r_op line, c:1.!_SJ.Q_~_r_S_t.,_R_-4_& C, Case 635 7/27/56 / Lots G, H, I, & E. 17' of D- 6 mo. ext. to Case #635 ABOVE to first Assembly of God Church at 590 Fir St.- Condi. Case 635- Exten. 1/?3157 To adjust lot line by add EI' of W83.5' of Lot D to E82.5' of Lot D, Fifir, Inc. & First Assembly of God Chruch of Assembly of God of S.D., E. side 5th Ave. N of Fir St.,Zooe C .____________________________._______ Ca.s.e 343 I Ul.lf,fl_______--