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Development Services

Horton's Addition Block 228

HORTON'S ADDITION BLOCK 228.tif..,,.,,,,, HORTON 1S ADDITION Blk, 228, Lots A- l-Erect Apt. building, 6'from 6th Ave., line- permit to Mrs. Lillian Normile Res. 67538 5/3/38 ~--------------------c- Lots Kand L, & E40' of Lots A & B- Permit to Dr. Jonn M. Hogan, Jr & Dr. Robert L. Hippen to constr a 700 sq. ft. addn to exist nonconforming doctor's office; present bldg obs 5' front yd and 2' street side yard; addn to obs 3' front yard wnere 15' is req; at 186o Sixth Ave, SW cor at Intersec with Fir St. Zone R-4 (Lots K-L) and Zone C (Lots A-B) Cond'l. C-11473 9-15-72