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Development Services

Hoitt's Addition Block 9

HOITT'S ADDITION BLOCK 9.tif HOlff'S ADDITION BLOCK 9 Lot 3 & st. closed adj.- Conell. penait to Lutz Tire & Supply Co. to conat bldg. tor tire aalea (R-4 Zone) & recapping, extending into R-4 Zone; to be used in conj. with Lots 1 & 2,- in C Zone; on S side or Market St. betv 28th&. 29th St.. C-16.30 l/Jl/58 Lots l, 2, &.3 & Por or Hoitt st, clsd. adj.- permit to Lutz Tire & Supply Co. to erect 20 1Xl 301 tal carport in C Zone, to be used in connection with exist non-conforming structure ext.ending into R-4 Zone, where retail stores are perm in C Zone ancapartment houses and multiple dwellin8s are perm. in R-4 Zone, at 2855 Market 5t., Zones C &. R-4, condl. C-6257 2/7/64 Lots 11, 12, por Lot 10- AMENDMENT to C-6257 to Lutz Tire & Supply" Co. to include constr. ot bldg., per plans on file in Zoning Div. of P.D.- C-6257 8/29/67.