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Development Services

Hoitt's Addition Block 7

HOITT'S ADDITION BLOCK 7.tif HOITT'S ADDITION, BLOCK 7..,, \f \I Lot t- Permit to R. w. and Mary Chadwick to construct a 44 ft. x 60 ft. add. to an exist\ restaurant., SE corner of Dodson & Market Sts. & to &rad the lot down to &rade of present bldg. provided no excavation is closer than 2 ft. to adjoining property & is sloped down ~ to level of present building. Res. Mo. 1028 7/19/45-------------------------------- Lot 1- Permit to Mrs. R. W. Chadwick to pave lot use tor driveway & service park in connection with service station in C Zone, SE cor Dodson & Market. Res. 7389 5/13/53 Lot 1,11 & 12- ZA WITHDRAWS request of AKRAM SEMAAN, OWNER; ZUHAIR, SAMI, BADRI, NAJAR AND SAAD HERMEZ, LESSEE to transfer liquor license from 1101 Broadway to S/W Corner 30th St. and Market St. located at S/W Corner 30th St. and Market St., GSF-Z (SESD). C-20737 3/11/91