Hillcrest Block 6 Card 1
HILLCREST BLOCK 6 CARD 1.tif.HILLCREST BLOCK 6- CARD Ill Lot J- ZA DENIED a sign variance request of DAVID C. ZIEGER AND CAROLYN ANN ZIEGER to erect two, 56 square foot wall signs on the north and south building elevations where one, 12 square foot sign is permitted, located at 3935 First Avenue, Map 1069, NP-1 and Pedestrian Commercial Overlay Zone, Mid-City Coilllllunity Plan Area, but APPROVED to allow two, 32 square foot signs on the north and south sides of the building, Conditions C-20728 3/8/91 Lot 12, SWC approved by SCA, RIALTO AIRPORT PROPERTIES & CHILANGOS RESTAUPANT ENTERPRISE, INC. sought swc permit at 142 University Avenue Suite E, CN-lA Zone C-21307 8-12-95