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Development Services

Hillcrest Addition Block 6

HILLCREST ADDITION BLOCK 6.tif Block 6, Lot 22- perait tor building canopy ext. to service station to within 6 1.3rd St, and.3' on Washington St. (J.E. ()pd.yoke) Res. 45609 5/14/28 Hil.LCRFST ADDITICII BLOCK 6 ot line\:!. Lot 15-; permit to Leonard E. & Gl.al7& C. Dale to alter garages int,_o_li_ving__ u_ni_t._,.3928:.}.~.~rd Ave_~-- Res. ~695 2/9/49____._........._________________ Lot 15- Permit DENIED to Leonard E. Dale to const 4 units addn to exist 2 unit apt. bldg. the addn to have.3'-~~~-!!:__6" a.c~ess fer.3!.39.32 Third Ave._Rs~ 8616 ll/24/54.. Lots 16 and 17- Permit to Paul U. & Anita L. Strauss to convert a second story of an accessory building to living area on a parcel with a two-story office building; exs struc- ture obs a 2'1:1" interior side yard and eaves obs an 811 interior side yard. 3944 Third Avenue. C Zone. Condition. C-15537 NH. 10-13-78. Lot G- ZA APPROVED with conditions the request of Pat R. Evelyn & D. Jerome, owners, Main Street Small Animal Hospital, Michael J. Kelly & Thomas W. Mulligan, lessee, to establish a veterinary clinic in a commercial zone where such use requires a Conditional Use Permit only, located at 3949 First Avenue, Pedestrian Commercial Overlay Zone. C-20000 07-22-88 Lot 12, Sidewalk Cafe permit was approved by SCA, RIALTO AIRPORT PROPERTIES STAR OF INDIA sought a sidewalk Cafe Permit to construct a sidewalk cafe to encroach into the public right-of-way where such use is permitted by Side- walk Cafe Permit only at 142 Univeristy Avenue, CN-lA Zone C-21463 SWC 6-27-97