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Development Services

The Highlands Card 2

THE HIGHLANDS CARD 2.tif HIGHLAIDS (THE)-- Card 12 ~'t Por. Lot 44,- Pe:mit to Robt. E. & Alta F. Brean to const bedrm. wing to exist res on parcel without street frontage, the add. to obs all yd req. locatee.8 miles N. ot Othello St.,.8 miles w. ot KearD7 Mesa Rd. & 185' Bot aurrner st. or Ridge Rd, R-lB Zone. C-2.382 J/'2D/59 Por. Lot 49, to be on new subd. "Royal Highlands" on Lots 15 thru 18 for IIOdel homes, with sales offices on Lots 16, 17, 18 & construct signs at rear ot lots: (1)4 x 8 1 on Lot 18; (1) 4' x 8 1 on Lot 10, (1) 2 1 x J' on each of Lots 13 thru 18; NE corner Olga & othello St. R-lB (proposed R-1) approved all (but one sign 4 1 x 8 1 on Lot 10), or period l yr. to expire 8/7/60. 4-D Developaent Co. C-2i> 76 7/29/59 Por. Lot 50- Permit to ae.x P. & Hgt. C. Robinson, owners & Irma E. Young, purch. to const. greenhouses & operate nursery, with no com'l sales on approx 6 acres wihh 1 exist dwelling & no frontage on dedicated St. on Boundary Rd Ho. of Blaboa Ave., R-lB Zone for 5 yrs. to expire ll/24/64 (req,uested 20 79ara, but denied), cond 11. C-2926. ll/13/59 1 yr. ext. to ll/24/65. 1 yr. ext. to 11/24/66. l yr. ext. to expire ll/24/67 (11/22/66) l yr. ext. to expire ll/24/68 (ll/10/67). 1 yr. ext. to exp. 11/24/69 (ll/1.3/68) (n-~'-1--~'1-Thr&d.') Lots 25 & 26- Permit to Randolph Industrial Park, et al, owner, & Tom Ha;rnes, purch. to consi & operate stadium. 1dth cust0111ar7 attendant facilities for r,ces, athletic events, convention, public enterprises, large assemblages ot people, Sly of ClairelllO.rt Mesa Blvd. & W17 U.S.High- way.395, R-lB cond'l. c.u.P. C-.3459 Appealed by Richard I. Ward & Ellen D. Cook,5/18/61 6 lllOS. ext. denied. Sustained 6/29/61. Ext. of time to 10/11/61.___ Por Lot 49, Permit to J. R. Shattuck, owner, & A.M.T. Developnent, leasee, to maintain 4 1& 8 1 single faced directional isgn advertis. new hemes in Briarwood Sub., for l yr. to expire 6/2.3/62. I. side Othello Ave., w. ot Kirkcald7 Dr., R-lB. C-4188 6/2.3/61 H.B.