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Development Services

Highland Park Estates Unit#4 Card 1

HIGHLAND PARK ESTATES UNIT#4 CARD 1.tif HIGHLAND PARK ESTATES UNIT NO. 4 Card I- t (Lot 292- Permit to J. L. Ingram, owner, & Al Wylie Sign Co., lessee, to maintain for a period of one;yr, one double-faced 41 x 81 post mounted, unlighted directional sign for Summerhill Homes, a new sub located 2 blks east; sign obs 1 1 SB where a 101 SB is estab and an 8 sq. ft. for sale or lease sign is perm, at 8-61 Skyline Dr., SE cor of Skyline Dr. & Greenlawn Dr., Zone R-1-5, Cond'l. WE-=-~:k..~M-1---------------------------------~~~~-~~:-~~~-------~=~~~------ Lot 379- Pendt to Mr. Ralph W. Knudsen to const & uintain concrete block ret.aiaing wall 8S' long along 1 117 p.l. ranging in height from 2 1 at west end to 5' at E end, obs 0' SB from Greenlawn Dr; & 'JO" hMb (open) rail fence on top of wall tor max onr&ll height oZ 7'6", where fences in front ot res SB line is perm to & max of 36" in height, at 101 Coolvater Dr. betv Greenlavn Dr. & Flowerdale Lane, R-1 Zone, Cond 1l. C-.5244 9/27/62 Lot 377- AGREEMENT #1593 to Emil & Katnryn Egeskog to constr a recreation room addn with bar sink to existing sin tam dwell,117 So Coolwater Dr. A-1593 7-14-69 &eae-R-1-,------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 350- z.A. considered appl of Carl & Elmalenda Sandburg to const an 18' x 33'4" res patio addn to exist sin fam dwell; addn to obs 11'2" rear yd where 20' is req at 345 Cedaridge Dr. betw Brookhaven Rd. & Greenlawn Dr., Zone R-1-5 and has DENIED as req but APPROVED for a 16' rear yd with the understanding that the fireplace & barbecue may project 2'8" into the 16 1 rear yd. C-9535 10-17-69