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Development Services

Highland Park Estates Unit #12

HIGHLAND PARK ESTATES UNIT #12.tif Jlighland Park Estates /ll.2----------------------- Lot 1268- Pe:nnit granted to HENRY V. & JULIE M. KOOHEN,JR. to erect approx 60' of retaining wall ranging in height from 3' to 61 with a 3' hi chain link fence on top for a total height ranging from 6' to 91 encr 10' into established 10' setback on San Vicente St. where a 31 hi fence is perm on Lot 1268, Highland Park Estates #12 at 7844 San Vicente St betw Rytko St & San Vincente Way, Zone R-1-5._________________,______ Case No. 7615 3/2/66 Lot 1261- Permit to Donald L. and-r;~id;-~rbe;-t"c;~nrtr~t-13.=-gn x 22 ft_. family room addn to existing sin. fam dwelling; addn to obs? ft.. rear yd where 20 ft. is req, at 630 San Vincente Court between San Vicenti St. and end of Cul-de-sac, Zone R-1-5-Cond'l. / c-12,504 4-5-74--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 1294- Permit to Ralph & Fanny Stokes to constr a 16' x 20' recreation room addn to exstg sgle-fam dwell; add to obs 15' rear yd, at 7609 Black Oak Road, Zone R-1-5.Condit. C-15782 3-7-79