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Development Services

Highland Park Estates Models

HIGHLAND PARK ESTATES MODELS.tif HIGHLAND PARK ESTATES 11'.)DELS- J..7 Lots 1 thru S, Permit to Hawnco, Inc. to const sing ram res with att gar on each lot & use for.model homes; use gar on Lot 2 for tract sales office, & gar on Lot.3 tor tract loan office; to erect & maintain l 1Ullighted JO" x 6011 sales ott sign on Lot 2; l unlighted 16" x 24".model'. sign on each lot; 24 unlighted. 6" x 1811 feature si.gna in yds on on lots l- 5; & 25 cloth pennants 2' x 4 1, mtdQ on 20' poles; all signs lostruct to oba req. SBs, for 1..,-r. to expire 8/~2, Skyline Dr., JiWly ot Greenl.awn Dr., R-1. C-43.35 I. H. 8/23/61-----------------------------------"'----'----------