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Development Services

Highland Gardens Card 3

HIGHLAND GARDENS CARD 3.tif HIGllI,'.ND G\RDENs \ 81" ~-- CARD * r C{Lot 20- ~GREE}IBN'.1.' /{790 to Rose Jenkins & Mary Etlael Jenkins to alter E!Yisting garage to a kitchen and retain the sink in existing kitchen but remove the vent over stove, The exist kitchen to be used as laundry and gen utility nn. 5/14/53 Lot 8- AGRE:EMENT i/772 to Grace Oaks Jacobson to erect two light poles with 3 ft. by 6 ft. ign_o!! ~_sh_p2l~!}a:yi~_ll> J:!e!h!C!-_______________ R~s.!. .8].8_____ J/26/_5].___ J Lots 1 & 2- AGREEMENT m6 to Paul A Del,annoy and Margaret DeLannoy to alter the front of an existing building which has no setuack March 26, 1951 Lot 28 AGR-EM?NT #606 to Dan Dudmundson to const a four car gar. 10/3/49 Lot 15- Permit to William M, and Yvonne M, Felix to convert exist storage room to rumpus rm unit to obs l' interior side yard where 4 1 is req,at 4433 Berting St betw El Cajon Blvd and Gilbert Drive. zone R-4. Cond 'l. c-12499 4-15-74--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 12 & 13- Applicant WITHDRAWS request of MARY SHEA to remove existing 300 sq. ft, 50 overall ground sign which exists in setback and overhangs p/1 and replace with new ground sign 96 sq. ft., 25' overall in set back area. Located at 5444-46 El Cajon Blvd., CN-1 Zone. C-20475 3/14/91----------------- ----------------------------------------------------