Hermosa Terrace Block 6 Card 1
HERMOSA TERRACE BLOCK 6 CARD 1.tif ,.c CAR.D #I Lot 6- Pendt to R. Dana & Mar7 Pullb Russell, to erect 90 1.fence, rear por. S prop line, max 7',3 above orig. grade2 or 7' abovd final grade, 6315 Via Maria. Res. 3965 6/15/49 Lot 8- Permit DENIED to Fred 1. Winship to cont. operation or real estate tract o.ftice, 6374 La Jolla_li_:i,!d...... Jl19_s. 4QJ9..... 7/21/"-+.9...... Lot 8- Fred Winship appeal filed an Res. llo. 4039 ABOVE sustained & permit granted. Res, 24796 8/16/49 Lot 12- Permit to Fred & Barbara Morrie to erect sing tam res & JO'x 20 1 gar witb 15' rear yd, W side La Joll~_l3l\td. betw Kes~_war & W:ioamar A~~--....._!f,e~___}~?.. 1/~/~~-------- Lot 8- AGREEMENT #599 to Fred E. Winship to continue operation of real estate tract office on Lot 8, Hermosa Terrace. 8/25/49 Lot 8- Permit to Louie & Perle Louise Campo to erect approx 200' of 5 1/2' high sol id block wall obs a O' front yard on La Jolla Blvd. and a O' st sd yd on Winamar Avenue. 6374 La Jolla Boulevard. R-1-5 Zone. C-14912 NH. 1-30-78.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 13- Permit APPROVED by AZA to JEN-YEH LIU HWANG to erect 77' of 6 1 high wood fence with 5 1 wide gate to observe a O' front yard where maximum 3' high fence is permitted in established 20' front yard, at 6318 La Jolla Boulevard, Zone R-1-5. C-17887 NH 2-10-83 '1.. \..- Lot 4- AGREEMENT with ANTHONY HAI to constr. a one-story bedroom addn to an existing single family home with both interior & exterior access at 6335 Via Maria, Rl-5000. AGREE #3595 11/13/86