Heritage Addn.#9 Card 2
HERITAGE ADDN.#9 CARD 2.tif HERITAGE ADDITION #9. r12 Lot 1299- Permit to The Mathill co. to erect one 3' x 5' unlighted, double-,faced free- standing ID sign offering nomes for sale, to encroacn 10' into estab 15' SB on Paradise Valley Road, at the 500 block Briarwood Rd., the SW cor of its intersec with Paradise Valle~ Rd., in the R-1-5 Zone. Cond'l. c-7666 4-22-66 Lot 1202- Land Conservation Permit Approval to Daniel Flook for patio cover at 7749 Praire Mound Way. 103-LC 4-30-74.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lots 1297-1298 Permit to Charles R, & Toyo Fonner and Steve and Lola Madrid to maintain exist wall and open fence on top thereof betw 4 1-6 11 cement block posts obs a l' setback in front where max 3' high wall is perm in 15' estab SB, at 522 and 512 Briarwood Rd, south of Paradise Valley Road opposite Praire Mound Way, Zone R-1-5. Cond'l. C-12759 N,H, 7-25-74 Lot 1215- Hillside Review Permit to Byrum for house addn, 537 Prahde'MooddCCt. 251-HR 12-1-75 Lot 1202- Hillside Review Permit to Corathers for room addition, at 7749 Priarie Mound Wy 308- HR 6-30-76--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 1260- Permit to Virgilio G. & Melba M. OJ Iva to const II '611x21' rec rm and to main 11'6"xl9' covered patio to res in 43.4% coverage. 7423 Prairie Mound Way. R-1-5 Zone. Condition. C-15183 NH. 5-23-78.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------