Hazard Industrial Tract #1 Card 4
HAZARD INDUSTRIAL TRACT #1 CARD 4.tif I /0 HAZARD INDUSTRIAL TRACT #1.CAIU> #4 Lot 12- Permit to Joseph J. and Rosalie Polizze to constr. a 168o sq. ft. warehouse on lot with exist restaurant and cabinet factory; warehouse to obs a O' interior side yard on both sides where 5' side yards are req, at 7986 Armour Street, betwn Convoy and Mercury Streets, Zone M-lA- Cond'l. c-12,085 7-30-73-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lots l.-2- Permit to Wil.l.ie c. & Dorothy Harvison, Owners and Hawthorne Machinery Co., Lessee, to maintain 289' of 6 high chain l.ink fence obs 6 1 street side yard on Mercury St., encroaching into required l.O' pl.anting strip, and to el.iminate 4' of required l.O' pl.anting strip adjacent to public street, at 8086 Armour St. betw Convoy St. and Mercury St. Zone M-1-A. C-13008 N.H. 2-27-75---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~-'ii ~w r. r-:~:.~ 2~: +,:r.:::.:1kKt::?.=;:t-t" ;;:;;:--Lot 11 and WI y 30' of Lot 10- Permit to Graham Enterprises (dba Graham Automotive ~c. K6arny Mesa British Imports at 7996 Armour St., Zone M-lA, to constr 20'x80' carport addn on lot with exist automotive shop; addn to obs 3' int side yd. Condit. C-15836 4/6/79