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Hazard Industrial Tract #1 Card 1

HAZARD INDUSTRIAL TRACT #1 CARD 1.tif m;hn nmuSTRIAL n,u.CT HO. 1 oo31qi ~ lal-,, aa card 111 _,,!ft. 5- Pel'lllit to R. E. Hazard Cont., Co;;.& Roy Gibbens, pill" to const 8111&11 animal. clirJ.c I h'pital, Cond1l. M-lA. Case #2058 9/2b/58 Extensi!).~--~J_ l_ l!!_tC>_ ~re_ 3/26/60 ap~oved l+/';!J/59 Lot 13 & E 40 1 Lot 14, Permit to Sec lat Hat 1 l Bk to build as per H-lA usage. S-537 7/28/58 Lot 11+, exc E 40', all Lots 15-16-17, Permit to Sec. 1st Nat'l Bank to build as per lull M-li usage. S-538 7/28/58, Lot 7, Pel'lllit to Sec 1st Nat I l Bank,. owner, & Dr. G. T. Clark, purch. to conat small animal hospital, II side of Amour SJ.i, V of U.S. Hwy 395, Zone M-U, concl'l. case 2134. 11/25/58_ 6 ao ext. to expire 11/25/59 Wly.30' or Lot 10, all Lot ll, Permit to Sec 1st Nat'l Bank to build as per K-li usage with 8C> ' frontage on Armour St. S-574 1/23/59 All Lot 9 It Ely 20 1 Lot 10, Permit to Sec 1st Nat 1l Bank to build as per K-lA usage, with 70' frontage on Amour ~t.__ S-5'7t___...... 1/23/59_________ Lot 9 & E ';fJ I Lot 10, Permit to I. C. Cur17 to const contractor's office obs 5' side yd (7' req.) garage por of bldg to obs zero side;yd & located approx 1051 back or f'ront prop. line, N side ot Armour 5t., Zone K-li Case #2356 J/11.)/59 L-,22. 3