Harris Palm Tract Block 2
HARRIS PALM TRACT BLOCK 2.tif uws PW(TRACT. BLOCK 2 l '-l1~.. S, r.ot 1;- Z.A. coneidered the app ot Jorge R. & Maria w. Pizana Perez to erecta 6 high solid fence obs 201 SB f'orm t.he center line ot 24th St. where a max 31 hi,gh ranee is perm in estab st widening SB of 40' trom center line and in 151 front yd behind estab 401 SB at 815 24th St, South San Diego, betw Palm & Sirrah Sta., Zone R-2 and has DENIED the app aa requested but APPROVED a I+' high solid fence within the front yd uea and APPROVED a 6 high solid fence back of the front yard area, Cond 11. Case No. 8401 N.H. 10-2;-67-------------- --------------------------Lot 19- Permit to Rafael R. & Elisa P. C&m:pos to constr sin fam res obs 30' from center line of street where 40' from center line of street plus 9' street side yard is req (491 from center line of street) at 834 Sirrah Street, southeast cor at intersection with Harris Avenue, Zone R-2- Cond I l. C-12,249 N.H. 10-3-73---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 15- Permit to Maria W. & Jorge R. Perez, Angela P. Gonzales, Ana P. Gonzalez & Alicia P. Gonzalez to construct 15'-6" x 12' bedroom addn to exist sin fam dwelling; addn to obs 3' interior si 0 'de yard where 4' is req, at 815 24th Street between Drucella Ave. and Sirrah t., Zone R-2. C-12,446 N.H. 2-12-74-----------------------------------------------------------------------------~