Harborview Heights #7
HARBORVIEW HEIGHTS #7.tif HARBORVIEW HEIGHTS #7 Lot 214- Permit to A.H.G. Sales Corp. to erect approx 15' of concrete block retaining wall ranging in nt. from O' to 8 1 obs a O' SB, where 15' is req on the 4100 block of Huerfano Ave. betw Avati Dr. & Driscoll Dr., zone R-3, C-9355 N.H. 6-13-69----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 216- Application of AHG WITHDRAWN to constr 174 unit apt complex.providing req park with 15 park spaces to obs 10' SB on Huerfano Ave where 15' is estab & to eliminate req 5' ni solid fence or wall adj to parking on NE por to lot wnere fence is J req to separate open park from adj res property at 4060 Huerfano Ave., NW'ly cor of Huerfano Ave. & Avati Dr., Zone R-3 C-10144 10-9-70 Lot 217- Fermi t to American Housing Guild Sales Corp. to eliminate 6' high solid fence or wall required to separate open parking from adj residential p:i:op located to the east at 4005 Avati Dr betw Morena Blvd and Eicherlaub St. Zone CA..-. C-11484 N,H. 9-8-72-----------------------------------------------------------------,----------------------- Lot?-17- Permit to Wu Chan Loi Hing, dba Bay Ho Shopping Center Associates to erect a 50 sq. ft. ground sign, 12 1 total ht, obs 0' front yd at 4011-4033 Avati Drive. Zon.e CN. Conditions. C-14434. 8-17-77. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------