Harborview Heights #3 Card 1
HARBORVIEW HEIGHTS #3 CARD 1.tif.. ffl!f!!!YPN HEIGHTS Ulltt KO. 3 CARD ll > 'i " Lota 148- 151 inclusive- Permit to Harborview Associates to const sing tam res on each lot and tor a period ot one Jr, to use as model. homes with sales office in res on Lot l48J to erect one 2 1 x 41, unlighted, double-faced, Model ID sign on each lot and one 160 aq. tt., unlighted, double-faced sales office sign on Lot 148; si&ns, models and sales office are perm within boundaries of new subdivision if no closer than 2001 ot occupied dwell not of the same subdivision, in tbe 40CX) Block Avati Dr., betw Eichenlaub and Wheat sts., Zone R-1-5, Cood 11. 1 Jr ext to.exp 10-1-69 (9-1J-68)(Jo-H,q;?'UT Bt,t.) Case No. 8367 N.H. 9-27-67 ~t 89-- P:rmit to Har~ew Associa;;-;:~rect approx 40 1 Of solid block wall varying ~ ht from 3 1 to 6 1 11 obs 0 1 SB where a 31 high solid wall is perm in estab 15' SB on Eichenlaub St., at 4060 Rai'fee Dr., the SW cor of its intersection with Eichenlaub St., Zone R-1-5. Case No. 8443 N.H. ll-J-67----------------------------- --------------------v!ot 146- Permit to Harborview Associates to erect approx 501 or solid block wall varying in ht from 31 to J 1611 obs 7!' SB (as amended) where a J I high solid wall is perm in estab 15 1 SB on Raff'ee Dr., at 3284 North Star Dr., the NW cor of its intersection with Ratfee Dr., Zone R-1-5. Case No. 8444 N.H. 11-3-67------------------------------------~~ 146- Permit to Harborview Associates to const a sing tam res obs 121 (asaamended) SB on Jrzf'tee Dr. where 151 SB is ea.tab, at.3284 North Star Dr., the NW cor ot its intersection with Rattee Dr., Zone R-1-5. Case No. 8445 N.H. 11-3-67