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Harbaugh-Polinsky Ind. Tract Card 3

HARBAUGH-POLINSKY IND. TRACT CARD 3.tif.--- ~-...----- -.-~-.-..----., -- ~ ---. ~-.--.-.-.---...- en_. H'ARBAUCH-POLINSKY INDUSTRICT TRACT, MAP #5849 ~ a-,q '~ CARD #J Lots 1, 2 and portion of Lot 3- Permit DENIED by ZA to GEORGES. HARBAUGH to construct 200 sq. ft., 11 1-011 high ground directory sign, observing a 4 1-011 front setback where 25 1-011 is established (existing ground sign to be removed), located at 4344 Convoy Street, Zone M-IA. C-18224 10-28-83