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Development Services

Hammond Subdivison

HAMMOND SUBDIVISON.tif OND SUBDIVISION e Lot 1- Permit to Chas R. & Virginia Hammond to const l0'v 10 1 aouble-faced neon constant lighted sign obs. 10' SB for sign & 12' SB for post (25 1 req.) &(sign max. of 38 sq.ft perm.) 625 W. Camino del Rio, Zone R-5. Cases 2688 & 2689 7-a4-59---------------------------------------------- Lot 1- Permit to Charles Hamnond, 34 unit motor hotel & office, swimming pool, land- scaping & offstreet parkiz1g acilities, approx mile W Hwy 395. (Formerly Por P.L. 1119) c.u.P. C-2418 4-15-59 A.BOVE ~DED by Vagabond Motor Hotels, Inc., owner to l+l-unit motor hotel on Vagabond Sub. (Map #4207) in the R-1-40 Zone- Cond #1 was amended CUP C-6782 11-5-64 Bei ngadivisionofl_ot_C-____ PM_i5463-------------;;;;;~-11/ii7ss_________