Grantville & Outlots Block 49 Card 23
GRANTVILLE & OUTLOTS BLOCK 49 CARD 23.tif,.. GRANTVILLE & OUTLOTS BLOCK 49 0 CARti Por. Lot 4 per legal on file- Permit to Sidney & Sylvia Rose,,.purchasers & Floyd R. & Violet B. Steele, owners to const 50 unit apt house on par obs 10 1 front yd on Decena Dr. where 15' front yd is req, and 51 rear yd opposite Decena Dr. where 20 1 rear yd is req, and with car- ports obs 0 1 side yd opposite Vandever Ave. where 4' side yd is req, at 4555 Vandever Ave. at the SE cor of Decena Dr. and Vandever Ave., Zone R-3, Con