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Development Services

Grantville & Outlots Block 47

GRANTVILLE & OUTLOTS BLOCK 47.tif GRANTVrLLE & OUTLOTS 000'/tq BLOCK.. 47,$ ~...... ~ Por Lot 3- Permit to Joseph & Patricia Tausch to const an office building on a lot obs a 25' front yard {additional 10 1 is street-widening setaack), and a O' interior side yd at 6070 Mission Gorge Road. M-lA Zone. Condition. C-14236. 5-25-77,-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Por Lot 3- Permit to Raymond L, & Ellen J. Cullen to const a commercial office building to obs a 25' front yard (JO' street widening), and a 0 1 interior side yard on the south at 6040 Mission Gorge Road. M-lA Zone. Conditions. C-14818. 1-5-78. Parcel 3 of Map No. 2997- Portion of Lot 3- Permit APPROVED by A2A to Eugenio Beltrame, Ross V. Provenzano & Sarah S. Provenzano to construct a second story addition to an existing building, construction to observe a 0' side yard (existing building observes a O' side yard) where 5.97' (10% of lot width) is required, at 6050- 6060 Mission Gorge Rd., zone MIA. Conditions. Case 16578 2-21-80 Portion of Lot l- Permit APPROVED by ZA to ALESSIO LEASING CORPORATION, owner; andJOHN A. ROSE, lessee, to maintain approximately 345' of 5 1-611 high wrought iron fence to observe a 11 front yard where maximum 3' high fence is permitted in 25' front yard and 10 1 street widening setback, at 5910 Mission Gorge Road, Zone M-1-A, Condition. C-17806 NH 11-8-82 Lot2- ZA APPROVED request of EFS ASSOCIATES to constr. a 2-story, 8,140 sq. ft. commercial building with the corner of 7 off-street parking spaces encroaching 2 1 711 into reqd. 10 1 landscape stril (Por. of Lot 2) at 5945 Mission Gorge Rd., Zone M-IA with conds. C-19122 3/21/86