Grantville & Outlots Block 46 Card 1
GRANTVILLE & OUTLOTS BLOCK 46 CARD 1.tif GRANTVILLE &ounors OOOl/l4 For. of Lot 1- Condl permit to Harvey E.,:-,_ Ruth I. Hill, m,ners, and Shell Oil Co, lessee, to maintain one light standard & one sign pole with floodlight observing 1 1 SB,;-,here 10 1 is req., at 5820 I\f:ission Gorge Ild., h-1 Case itl638 2/7 /58 Lot 1- AGREElENT #971- to Harvey l!.. & Ruth I. rlill, owners & Shell Oil to maintain one light standard and 011e sing pole with floodlight observing 1 1 setoack, where 10 1 is re::;,uired. Case /,1638 2/7/58 Por. of Lot I- Permit to Harvey & Ruth Hill, owners, & Fred Holliman, lessee, to erect a 71 x 81 x 23 1 high, double-faced ground sign on existing pole; sign to obs approx 20 1 SB where 25 1 & 10' st widening SB is req, at 5826 Mission Gorge Rd, Zone M-IA. c-13,675 6-28-76------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot #1- ZA DENIED VARIANCE Bur APPOOVED 20'-0" HIGH 166 sq. ft. GOOUND SIGN, as sought by DALE A. IDRM, AS TRUSTEE FOR THE DALE A. IDRM FAMILY TRUST; SUN & LOU, INC., OBA SZIDWAN MANDARIN RESTAURANT. C-19132 3/28/86 Lot 2- CASE TABELD- property is located in the CPIOZ zone and requires a CPIOZ Permit per Jim Overstreet, 5927 Mission Gorge Road, M-lA zone, C-20355 8-11-89