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Development Services

Golden Valley #1 Card 2

GOLDEN VALLEY #1 CARD 2.tif OOU> D VAUZ! #1 Lot l- Permit to Robert M, Golden, Ovner and. M, B. Golden Conatrucjiion Co., Le to erect two single-faced, 3' x 40 1 interior illuminated aigrut attached l' ~ mansard roof, in adcln to two exist 3' x ~ a1gu fronting Rigbway 395, vbere one max 4' x 20' Jti sign fronting each street and attacbecl to face of bldg is perm, at 255 Camino De La Reina, betw intersect of Cabrillo Freeway and. Interstate 8, Zone co. c-10905 12-8-11--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 1- Permit to Robert M. Golden to erect 2 single-faced, 3' x 40' interior illum signs attached l' above mansard roof, one sign fronting on Camino de la Reina and the otner facing Highway 395, in addn to two exist 3' x 40' signs fronting Hi 395, where one max 4' x 20' sign fronting each street and attached to face of bldg is perm, at 225 Camino de la Reina betw intersec of Cabrillo Freeway and Interstate 8. Zone CO, c-114~2 9-6-12-------------------~-------------------------------------------------------------------.- GOLDEN VALLEY UNIT Ill Lot 1- Sign Code Administrator APPROVED with conditions the variance request of Valle Dorado, Ltd., owner; Wells Fargo Bank, lessee, to erect a 37 sq. ft,, ground sign, 6'0" overall height, observing a O I O" setback where (1) eight roof signs granted by previous variances exist; and (2) ground signs within 15 1 0" of a front property line shall not exceed 3'0" in height, located at 123 Camino De La Reina, CO zone. c~20091 5-19-89