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Development Services

Golden Park Block 6 Card 6

GOLDEN PARK BLOCK 6 CARD 6.tif..............-..-....... &OLDEN PARK --;,..,___..-... BLOCK 6-...... 1'.--..... CARD #6 \ Lots 7, 8, and 9- Permit APPROVED by AZA to NORMAN FEUER ENTERPRISES (Lot 9) and BAY PROPERTIES LTD. (lots 7 & 8) to erect a total of 20 1 of 0 1 to 8 1 high retaining wall to observe at closest point a 0 1 front yard where 3 1 high wall is the maximum permitted in the required 15 1 front yard, at 3310 and 3322 Martinez Street, Zone R-1-5. Conditions. C-17540 NH 2-4-82 '~Lot 6- Permit APPROVED by ZA to JOHN MC EVOY AND ALFRED E. O' BRIEN to construct a two- story, single-family dwelling with: (1) decks observing 4 1 front yard and dwelling observ- ing JO' front yard on Talbot Street where 15 1 is required; (2) exceeding Floor Area Ratio.11% (.71) where,60 is maximum permitted; (3) height at 34 1 where 30' is maximum height allowed; and (4) to provide two parking spaces observing 0' front yard on Martinez Street where 15' is required, in 3300 block of Martinez Street (between Talbot and Harbor View), Zone R-1-5, Conditions. c-11295 9-4-81 EXTENSION OF TIME EXPIRES 9-4-84 (3-7-83)-.....-~.:...:Z.;,.,ye; I/ It If /.-'/-ff:, ~Lots 7, and 8- Permit APPROVED by ZA the amended request of BAY PROPERTIES LIMITED (1 (Louis Bikadi, General Partner) to construct a single-family dwelling with attached garage to: (I) observe a 0'-0" front yard where 15 1-0" is required; (2) result in height of 33'-0" where a maximum 30'-0" is permitted; and (3) construct retaining walls ranging in height from 3 1-011 to 7'-0" in the front yard where 3 1-011 is permitted, located at 3322 Martinez Street, Zone R-1-5. Conditions. c-18210 10-14-83