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Golden Park Block 6 Card 2

GOLDEN PARK BLOCK 6 CARD 2.tif GOLD:U PARK BLOCK 6 17 Lota 1 tbru '5- Perm:tt ito Harry D. Trounce to const res w:i. tb 6' SB on 'falbot & 7' SIi on Martinez ST. (15' req) on Talbot betw Akron & Bangor, R-1. Case /614 7/16/56 6 mo. ext. to ~u re T. Rankin 12 17 56 Lota 1 tbru 5- FlllAL D'1'. of mo. granted to Aubrey T. Rankin pur of above prop 7/25/57 Por Lots 16 & 17- Permit; to Capt. Alberts. Freedman, Jr. to const res & gar, the res obaer req. 10' SB, gar O' SB, S side Talbot betw Harbor View Dr. & Martinez, R-1. Case #1319~ 8/23/57 Por Lota 15 & 16- Permit tow. o. Boughton to const aes & gar, res witb 10' SB, pr O' SB;, S side 'falbot between Harbor View & llartinez Case f 138o 8/23/57_]'or Lots 17 & 18- rermit tc Pirl Oates k maintain res & gar, res,Jith 10 1 SR, gar 0 1 SB, "'s side Talbot bet,w Harber view & Jv1a.rtinez Case # 1381 8/23/57 Lots 1 thru 5, Permit to Marshall J. Durocher to canst 2-story sin fam res & gar, obsv. 7' SB on Talbot St., & 12 1 SB on Martinez (15 1 reg.) Zone R-1. Case #2294 2/6/59 Lot 6- Permit APPROVED the amended request by ZA to JOHM MC EVOY and ALFRED E. O'BRIEN to construct a two-story, single-family dwelling with: (1) decks observing 4 1 front yard and dwel 1 ing observing 10 1 front yard on Talbot Street where 15 1 is required; (2) exceeding Floor Area Ratio.11% (.71) where.60 is maximum permitted; (3) height at 34 1 where 30 1 is maximum height allowed; and (4) to provide two parking spaces observing 0 1 front yard on Martinez Street where 15 1 is required, at 3300 block of Martinez Street (between Talbot and Harbor View), Zone R-1-5. Conditions. C-17295 9-4-81