Golden Arrow Tract
GOLDEN ARROW TRACT.tif GOWEN ARROW TRACT e Lot 2- Z.A. considered the app ot Shell Oil Co., to const gasoline serv sta with 1 ground sign, 2 price signs, and 4 area lights located in req 10' plant strip and estab 101 SB as follows, where no structures are penn; (1) one 8 1 x 8 1 x 2.4' high, double-faced, lighted revolving Shell ID sign. Center line of post to obs 101 SB, edge ot sign to encro 4' into req 101 plant strip and 101 estab SB at intersection ot Zion Ave. & Mission Gorge Rd.; (2) one price sign and two area lights to encro 10 1 into req 101 plant strip and 101 estab SB on Zion Ave.; (3) one price sign and two area lights to encro 101 into req 101 plant strip and 101 estab SB on Mission Gorge Rd., on Mission Gorge Rd., SE cor Zion Ave. & Mission Gorge Rd., Zone C-lA, and request was in part APPROVED and in part DENIED as follows: (1) The 8 1 x 8 1 x 2.4' high, double-faced, lighted, revolving Shell ID sign with center line of post to obs 10' SB and edge of sign to obs a 6 1 SB was APPROVED: (2) Adj to Zion Ave.: One price sign DENIED tor 0' SB but APPROVED for 7' SB; and two area lights APPROVED tor 01 SB; (3) Adj to Mission Gorge Rd.: One price sisn DENIED tor 0 1 SB but APPROVED for 7' SB; and two area lights APPROVED tor O' SB. Case No. 8394 ll-3-67---------------------------------------------------------