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Development Services

Glen Oak Heights # 2

GLEN OAK HEIGHTS # 2.tif GLEN GAKS HEIGHTS NO. 2 Lot 123, to Glen Oaks observing 10-ft. setback (15 a 12-ft. setback. Heights, Inc. DEKLlD re.uireci) on 1-i. sicie Case 921 ~ 'lq re1uest to construct sin faro residence of '.Iyam,otte, Zone n.-1, but GrtAhTED 12/21/56 Lot 124, permitted Glen Oaks Heights, Inc. to construct sin fam residence with 10ft. setback (15 ft. re~uired) on~ side Wyandotte, Zone H.-1. Case 922 1,2/21/56 Lot 128, PB~mit to Glen Oaks heights, Inc. to construct sin fam residence with 10 ft. setback (15 ft. reuired) on E side of honongahela t; of Wyandotte.Ave.,,:,one R.-1. Case 923 12/~1/56 Lots 129 & 130- Fermi1., to Er. &:hrs. Ciayton E. Plummer, Sr. to canst, sing fam res witn gar on par obs 10 1 SB on Let 129, proj to si on Lot 130 where it enters the cul-de-sac, where l.5 1 SB is estab, on l~onongahela St., Kly of /,yandotte,Avcc:,, ii.-1 Zone, condl. Case i,o. 5622 4/26/63 Lot 124- AGREEMENT to STURDEVANT to construct two story bedroom, bath, recreation and laundry room to existing one story single family dwelling, located at 2622 Wyandette Ave. Zone R-1-5. AC# 3037 1/27/84