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Development Services

Gilbert's Hills Crest Addn Card 2

GILBERT'S HILLS CREST ADDN CARD 2.tif " '....,,..,.......... ""....,..- "'..-..,.... '"'.., ? '-.- tlLBERT 1S HILLCREST ADDITION-.. -.............. CARD #2 J <> rtion of Lot 20- Permit APPROVED by ZA to FIRST UNITARIAN CHURCH OF SAN DIEGO, a /California Corporation, to use the easterly 100' of parcel to enlarge an exjsting commercial/church parking lot and to relocate an existing sign, where such use is allowed only by Conditional Use Permit, at 4180 and 4188 Front Street, Zone R-4. Conditions. CUP 17762 1-7-83 BZA- APPEAL DENIED. DECISION OF THE ZA SUSTAINED ANO AFFIRMED. 3-30-83 Lots 18 and 19 and Por. Lot 20- City Council GRANTED CUP to ALAN BASSO, OWNER AND JACKSON & ASSOCIATES, PERMITTEE AND THE REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNI, QUALIFIED PARTICIPANT, to construct a 52,860 sq. ft. three~story over basement medical outpatient clinic and medical office bldg. with requested variances to R-400 Zone requirements, located on the north side of Albatross Drive betw. Montecito Way and Arbor Drive, R-400 Zone. CUP 86-0720.1 8/11/87 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------