Gardner's Addn. Block 3
GARDNER'S ADDN. BLOCK 3.tif Block 3, Lots 1-2-::-etback suspended. (LGn B. "halfant) Lot_; l & 2-?ermit to)uintard hospittl C.,,. Johmcn, lessee) to make add in basement of exist bldg at 1430 A St. for additional hos.ital rocms, witn 11 ft. redr yara &. 85%.--~c~a~v~e.rage.___---------------~-_________ ii&;,;_l,t0_?,_,4,....1___ ~l~0~-~l..._-),_-~44..,.___________ Lots 1 &.2- Permit to l,Iurray A., Beety c., Louis J., & June B. Clark; and Paul,i. & "i.'arren D. 3.eynolds; and Kint iiork, o,mers; & Bayview t,ospital Corp., lesJee, to canst'., one sign on roof 5.1.x14 1 with J 1x3 1 cross on tcri, overall height 18 1-5" &.bove roof, co,nci one proj wall sing l'x5' overhanging: 17th St., ap rox 30' north of ".:;t, on Bayview Hospital bldg., where 10 s- ft. tf. max sign on face 01' l,_;_cig is,::.erm., at 1630 A:Jt,, 1,,, cor of 17th:::t. ~ Zone B.-4. cona' 1. Case l~o.,951 j- '31-61 Lots 1-4 incl.- Permit to H rdy Day representing tr,e 0an IL.ego 3cr,oo~ of Business c.chool of Busines::; to in-.,truct & 0 0 erate a!:;usiness sciwol on tne nortn sicie of;._ t:,t,, betw__....,i...,6.... + b...___&_l'7..th_-3.t.s....,_condLl.-..._.__________________ C'.TJ. P, 7397 11-4-oS ---------,,