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Gardner's Addn. Block 11

GARDNER'S ADDN. BLOCK 11.tif GA,WNER.';, AP,,ITIQIJ EJ,QQK 11 Lot 12- Fermi t to Jack C & Inogene E cc vans, to ~rect an addition to the Laundry on lot 12 Blk 11 with more than 10 employees. Granted by Res 75287 10-7-4l.,UiCoro, 12942) Lot 3- Permit to California Laundry, Inc. & ':; H Poschman to erect and operate a 50 1x100 1 addition to an existing laundry on the west side of 19th ~t. between B & C 3treets Jess +ban JQQ empJa7ee's tles 2'1J.:-4-43 Lots 10 &. 11- Fermi t to li B Gates to erect a 50 1xl.00 1 add to an exist laundry at lll+J- 55 J8th st. sub 7ect to conditions. rtes No. 614 5-25-44. Lot 4-?ermi t to Balloon Dye-;;orks to build retaining wall 7 ft 6 in. high at 18th & B st. Jes 1053 8-3-45 Lots 10-11- Permit to J b Gates to b..:ild add to, ce,nd'l, 1155-lBth St. Res No, 3924 6-1-49