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Development Services

Garden Grove Block C

GARDEN GROVE BLOCK C.tif. c.r1BDFN Gao,?~ BT,CCK c Permit to Luther Hutton to erect add. to res. with 13 ft. rear yard on Lot 5-6 Blk. C, Res. 110 5-21-42 Lot View Methlildist Church to move in,,a...... J.=-,..s.... t"-'01.1:r~y.:________,..----..,--- ~ Lot 14- Fermi t DEhIED to Geo. & Ruth 0l]J.son &?ete 1 & 1'"' ~ ot ti tospli t lot into 2 par & erect 2 liv units on ea (i:i.-2) 3d car 47th & C. No, 6296 3-19-52 Lot 12- Permit DllidD tc Garland l & i,ary:' Riley to conc;t duplex oveit 4 ga.r.,;;:aking oaJ of 11 1rni t.s at lQJli-Ptb ",t., '-2 r.ase ho 970 7::5-57 Lot 8-10- Permit to Chall/as View Methodist Church to erect 66 s-,. ft. V shaped, free standing, interior lighted sign above 2 1 concrete block base, top of sign approx 8 1 above gr!3-de obs 2' SE on Lot 9 where max of 8 sq ft. back of;::;5 is perm & to erect J8 1 high free standing cross on Lot 8 obs 10 1 SB whePe average 12 1 is rec,.; to me v-e exist sanctuary to rear of l..ot 10 with rearyd of 10 1 'lt extreme re r & extra amount ir:ade up betw the bldgs, where property as a whole is non-confm:"In:ing by reason of the exi&t social hall;:,, classrm bldg obs 5 1 rearyd; and canst new church bldg on Lot 8 obs 15 1 SB, a.t 942-47th Jt., Zone R-2, Cond'l. Case llos. 5195 9-19-62 5196 Lots 8-10- Z.A. const appl of Chollas View Metnodist pnurch, own & The Yellow Sub- marine Nursery School, lessee to (1) provide non-church affiliated nursery school, operating 3 days a wk & serving approx 30-40 children; (2) to erect approx 94' of 8 hi cyclone fence enclosing play area; fence to obs l' SB on 47th St where max 3' hi fence is penn in req 15' front yd at 942 47th St., NW cor at intersec w/Hilltop Dr, Zone R-2 and nas (1) APPROVED:u; and DENIED (2), condl C-10177 11-20-70 7