Garden Acres
GARDEN ACRES.tif Lot 37- Permit to, ;.; !.ennerly w or;erate a store for sale of live chickens, eggs, feed & pmiJtr,y B 1irpJ; es at 5P2-62nd,t. Res)Jo J 219 J 2-6-115 Lot 37_:- A.!@_11dment to,ies ho. 1219_to pe_nnit. ,,. Kennerly to o,:.erate a store for the sale of live chickens, eggs, feed, poultry supplies & to operte a nur,sery for the sale af pJ ants "Dci shnihs, at, 502-62nd;;t, iies No. J 735 B-29-46 Lot 37- Perrri t to.. Kennerly to add to::; tore bldg. for sale & storage of chickens, feed, poultry supplies, plants & shrubs, ~.t 502-62nd St.; add. to S::'.llle t,;pe as exist bldg. Lot 16, 'Map # 179 7 bedroom and add a Zone R-1-6000 ~_,:_- Agreement with Richard Rodrigues to enlarge an existing 3/4 bath with separate outside access. 611 Fergus St. A-3750 06-22-87