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Furlow Heights#3 Card 2

FURLOW HEIGHTS#3 CARD 2.tif FURLOW HEIGHT~ UNIT-NO . J. C)O aJ''3-00.S CARD//2 Lot 16- B.J. Felthaus- to construct a sin f,un res with bar sink in the fam rm- AGREEMENT /if!/]J Marcb 9, 1956 Lot 32- Agreement with HUI-CHANG CHEN and EVA FONG CHEN to construct a single-story addition to an existing single-family dwelling; addition to contain a family room, full bath and storage room. Addition has outside access and interior access from utility room through dining room, located at 5260 South Thorn Street. Rl-5000 zone Agreement No. 4786 10/17/90 Lot 18- AGREEMENT with Eric Larson to construct an addition to a single-family dwelling. Addition consists of master bedroom extension, closet and full bath with interior access from hallway via living room and exterior access to rear yard, located at 3082 Thornton Place, Rl-5000 Zone.-------------___________ Agreement_No. 5019,______________ 06/17/91____ 3\