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Development Services

Fulton Heights # 7 Map 5302

FULTON HEIGHTS # 7 MAP 5302.tif l"ULTOll HIIGHTS lfL Map 5302 006302,-00.S 'Lot 315- Z.A. considered appl of Cameron Bros, Const Co. to (1) erect 160 1 of cbain link fence 5' hi obs 0' SB on Garston st. where 10' is estab; (2) erect approx 200' of chain link fence obs O' SB on Crandall Dr. wbere 15' is estab and (3) erect approx 150' of chain link fence obs O' SB on Tait St where max 3' hi fence is perm witbin 10' es tab SB on Tait St betw Burroughs St & Crandall Dr., Zone R-4 and bas (1) APPROVED (2) DENIED & (3) DENIED, C-9995 NH 7-10-70 Lots 315 & 316- Permit to Cameron Apartments to,(J) erect approx. 400' of concrete block wal I 4 1 high obs. 0' setback on Tait St., Garston St. & Crandal 1 Dr. where max. 3 1 high wall is perm. in a 10' & 15' estab. setback; and (2) erect approx. 600 1 of concrete block retain. wall 4 1 high obs. 0' setback on Crandall Dr. & Garston St. where max. 3 1 high wall is perm. in a 10' & 15' estab. setback at Crandall Dr., Tait St. & Garston St. bet. Burroughts St. & Dunlop St. Zone R-3 C-10584 N.H. 6-16-71------------------------------------------------------------------- 2..0