F.T Scripps Addn. Block 8 Card 1
F.T SCRIPPS ADDN. BLOCK 8 CARD 1.tif ",,,,,,.,_,..,". P. T. SC!UPPS ADDITIOI BLOCK 8 Card #1 Lots 2-4,6, Wly 50' of 5 & Ely 50' of 7- Permit to F.T. Scripps, Inc. {Ord. 13294) to constr 2 res on each lot. (See R/S map in Subd. of 1941). Res. 73767 4-1-41 Lot 10- Permit to Selby C. &: Grace N. Scott to split into 2 parcels, one with 50' st. frontage & 50' on alley; the 2nd parcel with 70' st. frontage & 36' on the alley; to permit 2 res on each parcel, north side of Westbourne St. betw La Jolla Blvd.&: Draper Sts. Res. 1366 2-28-46 Wly Lot 9- Permit to John K. & Wilhelmina T. Patterson to erect a 3 car gar with liv quarters above, making the 2nd liv unit on property at 6o4 Westbourne St. Res. 1749 9-12-46 Wly 10' of Lot 10, right-of-way adj & Blk 7, Lot 5- Permit to Selby c. & Grance N. Scott to divide said parcel into 2 lots, each 50' x163 facing Westbourne St., E of La Jolla Blvd., & permit 2 liv units on each. Res. 3161 5-19-48 Por Lot l, & Blk 7, por Lot 4- Permit to Helen H. Sweetman, purcb &: Chas E. & Ruth B. Bettleton, own to erect duplex on parcel land not split at zoning,&: por L.A.&: S.D. Beacb. R.R. Co. R/W lying betw (legal on file) at S side Fern Glen approx 200' E of La Jolla Bovd., Zone R-2. Res. 5oo6 9-28-50----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \ \g