F.T Scripps Addn. Block 2 Card 1
F.T SCRIPPS ADDN. BLOCK 2 CARD 1.tif I DM- Card fl Lot 8- Permit to Anna M. Hunger by Frank 'l'urnbull, 1144 Prospect St., to build 3 duplexes, zone R-2 & obs SB on Sea Lane. Var to Ord. 245 N.S. Res. 74362 6-10-41 Lot 5, por- Permit to H.W. 'l'yrell for L. J. Baptist Church to make porch addn of 16' x 12' to exist res at 554 Sea Lane, exist res having 2' sideyd. Res. 443 11-12-43 Lot 2- Permit to B. & Alice Martinez to const 12 unit apt house with 8' hign wall & 8' wide gate extending across req 12' access court & with roof & balcony extending over access court, at 525 Marine St., betw La Jolla Blvd. & Sea Lane St., Zone R-4, condl C-5236 10-5-62 Lot 2- Permit to Mrs. & Mrs. B. Martinez to erect 7' hi wood fence along Wly p.l. back of SB; fence to be on top of exist 5' hi ret wall, for ht of 8 1 above aver adj ground level where fence max of 6 1 above aver adj ground level is perm at 525 Marine St., betw La Jolla Blvd. & Cuvier St., Zone R-4 condl c-6119 11-13-63