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Development Services

F.T Scripps Addn. Block 1 Card 1

F.T SCRIPPS ADDN. BLOCK 1 CARD 1.tif \ ,,..,_ - F. T. SCRIPPS ADDN BLOCK 1 CA~D #1 Lot 2- Permit to J.E. Simmons, 7421 La Jolla Blvd., additional cottage in rear of lot, Zone R-2. Res. 65129 11-10-36 Lot 3- Permit to the City of San Diego to const (I) four 3-bedroom two stories in height, to obs a 12 1 front yard, and (2) to const a (36 1 long) to obs a 0 1 interior, yard at Marine and Cuvier Streets. di tion. C-14845. 1-4-78, A/orfe,,,...:J, units, each building storage bui!ding Zone R-2A. Con----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Portion of Lot I- Permit APPROVED by ZA to STEVE AND ROBYN RASKIND to construct a two- story commercial building above underground parking structure to observe a 5 1 rear yard where 15 1 is required when property abuts residentially zoned property, at 7403 La Jolla Blvd., Zone CS. Conditions. c-16821 BZA- DECISION OF ZA SUSTAINED AND AFFIRMED. CONDITIONS. 10-21-80 Lot A- Sidewalk Cafe Permit DENIED by the Planning Director to MARIE T. INGRASCI/ CAR I NO I S RESTAURANT to est ab 1 i sh a s i dewa 1 k cafe with fixed bench, tab 1 es and O 1-42" high metal fence within 6 1 encroachment, at 7408 La Jolla Boulevard, Zone CS. SCP #82-0705 1-31-83 APPEAL- PF & R OVERRULED PD AND APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS. 4-6-83