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Development Services

F.T Scripps Addition Lot B

F.T SCRIPPS ADDITION LOT B.tif F.T. SCRIPPs ADDI'l'ION LOT B E41' of tne w81.78 1 of the s86.76 1 Lot B- Permit to E.o. & Johanna Stime to erect a sin fam res, 614 Marine St. Res. 999 6-22-45 Ely 73' of Lot B- Permit to Hazel 6. McCoy to const the 2nd dwelling on said parcel, Bly side of Marine St., betw Cuvier & Draper Ste. Res. 3434 9-22-~8 W50' of the El23,25' of Lot B- Permit to Noel W. Garvin to erect a res on said parcel. Res. 119 6-4-42 E38,27' of Lot B- Permit to Alfred W. & Lillian Jones to const sin tam res, making 2 units on this parcel, split after original zone rear of 650 Marine St., Zone R-2 condl c-2292 2-6-59