Frink & Wilde's Sub Block 101
FRINK & WILDE'S SUB BLOCK 101.tif /f/l- /72.C/- Block 1011 Lot 22, Build a Earber-3i,op., to within 15 1 of line on K Street., fRJNK & WTJ,DE' 3 SUR BLQQK JOJ oeo797-oo.s Permit to Emilio Perry Res 49903 4-29-29 Resoilution 49903?..EFEAli.D by Res 49950 5-3-29 GRAN1'ED by Res. 50238 5-27-29 Grants J 3' setback instead of J 5'. Res 50'381 6-10-29 Lot 12- Permit to H. L. Grimes to conciuct a rladio Service & Jietail Jtore as a full tirr,e business, in an exist. store bldg. at 3019 Jot.,;:;rovided the business is not operated after 8:0Qp,rn. irn, 1330 2-14-46 Lot 1 & Hoitts Add, Bitock 16, Lot 1- lermit DENIED to Jesse & Donnalee..,amuel to build 3-uni t. art,, 3021,I St, Res No 4773 6-28 5P Lot 1, block 101, al!d lot 1 block 16 Hoitts Add., appeal::sustained- des l,4773 to perrn.t constr of ;-unit apt a 3021 J,,t. Res 96739 7-20-50,,