Friars Road Card 2
FRIARS ROAD CARD 2.tif FRIARS ROAD 00 7,-z..r- C,0.6.2.'-.0-11'-J- Card#~ Lot 4- Mission Center Three Partnership- to erect one 3 1 x 7 1, overall height 6 1-& 1, double-face, freestanding, electric ID sign obs 10 1 front yd setback (15' required & wall signs only permitted);- loc at 5323 Mission Center Rd, Zone CO. c-13881 10-15-76 Lot 4- Request of Mission Center Two Limited to erect 142 sq. ft. ground sign, 17' high, to obs 01 street side yard on Mission Center Road. 5353 Mission Center Road. Zone CA. C-14374. DENIED. 6-28-77. Lot 4- Permit to Mission Center II, Ltd., to const a 10 1 high ret wall along rear prop line In the CO zone and to const a 42' high open railing on top of wall where 61 solid fence is required separating the CO and R-1-40 Zones. Mission Center Road in the CO and CA Zones. Condition. C-14635 NH. 8-24-77.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 4- Permit to Don Sammis, owner; Dave Alderman, Lessee to erect 2 single-faced grnd signs, one 38.5 sq ft overall ht 6 1611 and 1 17 sq ft overall ht 3'8", at 5353 Mision Center Rd., Zone co. c-15813 3/27/79 I.ot 4- ZA APPROVED pennit for MISSICN CENTER 'IWJ, LIMITED, NER: PACIFIC aruRCH OF RELIGIOUS SCIENCE, LESSEE, to establish a church within an existing office bldg. where such use is pennitted by Conditional Use Pennite only; located at 5333 Mission Center Road, CO Zone, CA Zone. Conditions. C-20489. 3-9-90/