Fortuna Park Addn. Block 8
FORTUNA PARK ADDN. BLOCK 8.tif FORTUNA PARK ADDITION BLOCK 8 .-Lots 13 and 14- Permit James T. Hoover and J. Outler Dawson, Jr. to const a two-story, two unit addn on a lat with an exs sfd. Addn to res in 50% coverage and 10 1 611 rear yard. 4020f Sequoia Street. R-2A Zone. Conditions. C-15008. 5-16-78. Lots 11 & 12- AGREEMENT with JOHN CRENSHAW & HELEN:MclNTOSH to constr. a one-story bedroom and bath addn to an exist. SFD; addn to have internal & separate outside access at 4012 Sequoia St., Zoned RIX R-1500. AGREEMENT #3256 3/19/85 Lots 1 and 2, Map #894 Variance JESSE & MARYE., and JAMES L. FREITAS to convert a garage in an existing two-story building into a one-bedroom dwelling unit. (1) Dwelling unit to observe a, 5'-0" street side yard where a 10'-0'' street, side yard is required; (2) to provide two, tandem, parking spaces with a 15'-0" backup where a 21'.-0" back is required; (3) one tandem space to be 7'-6"x35'-0" where 8'-6"'x35'-0" is reouired located at 1821 Chico Street and 4027 Kendall Street, Zoni(R-1500. C-19477 1/30/87 DECISION: DENIED as requested but APPROVED Iten #1 and#3