Fortuna Park Addn. Block 27 Card 1
FORTUNA PARK ADDN. BLOCK 27 CARD 1.tif FORTUNA PARK ADDITION BLOCK 27 if Lots 27 & 28- Z.A. considered application of Edwin Albert Persky to constr 2 story, 4 unit apt bldg obs all yd & parking req but w/approx 52% coverage where 50'% perm; 3816 Kendal I St betw Roosevelt & La Playa Ave; Zone R-4; DENIED. 1 . . Case No. 8343 (N.,J:1.) 9-26-67-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots 12-16- Permit to Ecos Co. to constr 16 unit apt bldg result in 51% coverage where 50% perm; 3849 Shasta St betw Roosevelt Ave & La Playa Ave; Zone R-4. Case No. 10122 (N.H.) 10-1-70 Lots-l-6-&-Lots-1-24,-Blk-17_&_Lots-30-~8,-Blk-16---Permft-to-~rfends of-Handrcapped-- Children to const & oper Residential care home for hanaicapped individuals with day care & recreational facilities, east & west sides Shasta St betw Fortuna & Roostvelt Avenues, Zone R-2A. 444-PC 1-27-76------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Portion of Lots 23 and 24- Permit was considered by ZA to STEPHEN C. SCHMIDT to construct a two-story addition to an existing single-family dwelling with (l) deck to observe a 3' street side yard on La Playa Avenue where 10' is required; (2) a 10'-3" front yard where 15' is required; and (3) an 11 1-611 rear yard where 15' is required, located at 3803 Shasta Street, Zone R-2A. DECISION: DENIED as requested, but APPROVED the construction of a two-story addition observing a 14 1-811 setback on Shasta Street where 15' is required and first floor enclosed structure and second floor deck observing a 3' street side yard on La Playa Avenue where 10 1 is required and second story observing an 11 1-611 rear yard where 15' is required, Conditions. C-18054 6-10-83