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Development Services

Formost Subdivision

FORMOST SUBDIVISION.tif FORMOST SUBDIVISIOO Lot 1- Permit to Mr. Ray Formost to erect 80 sq. ft., 13 1 high, double-faced, wood, flood- lighted ground sign advertising "Campus Medical Center" erected on premises, front pole of sign obs 101 SB, edge of sign projecting 51 over req 10 1 landscape strip & obs 5' SB; to erect Medical Center office building with wing wall extending from front of bldg obs 01 side yard;where 10 1 SB & 4' side yard are req, no structures permitted in req 10 1 land- scape strip, and max 10::: sq. ft. sign to face of bldg is perm back of req SB, at 6244 El Cajon Blvd., Zone RP-lA. Cases# 6268, 6269 & 6270 2-5-64----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 1- Permit to Ray Formost to maintain 8 1 x 8 1 free-standing directory sign (8' nigb) approximately 40' from front property line, where wall signs only are i;erm.itted, at 6244 El Cajon Blvd., between 63rd Street and College A,venue, Zone co. /c-12,785 9-13-74-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------