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Development Services

Fordham Square

FORDHAM SQUARE.tif FORDHAM SQUAri.E ~,;it;"''',;1'lli.'' Lots 1, 2, & 3- Permission granted to San Diego Medical Associates, Inc., owner to const and operate a 120-Bed convalesce:;t Hospital on both sides of Kenyon Ct., southwesterly of ~~~~:~.;:' ~~~=-~~~..H21Ai:_(~5:~=:--------~~~-~~~~-~~:-=~~=~~---------==~=~~----------- Lots 1-5 and Lots 8-11, 17,;and por of Lot 12, Point Loma Park, Lot 38, ~Country Club Terrace #2, Lot 1, Point Loma Medical Tract- Permit to S.D. Medical Associate Properties, Inc., Owner and Doctors Hospital of S.D.,Inc to constr, operate & maintain a nospital on tne Soutn side of Kenyon St betw Kemper and Wing Streets. Zones R-1-5, R-4, and CO. 345-PC 8-31-72------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ IDts 1 to 5- PLANNING Ca-lMISSION GRANTED a Conditional Use Permit (airendrrent to CUP 85-0389) to SAN DIEGO HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION, CWNER, & SHARP CABRILLO HOSPITAL, PERMITI'EE, to operate and maintain the existing hospital with the installation of three new m:x:iular buildings and construction of b.o one-story building additions located on the south side of Kenyon Street and at the terminus of Kenyon Court and Wing Street, Map 4700, Rl-5000, R-400, CO Zone. CUP #88-0252 5-26-88