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Development Services

Fleischer's Addition

FLEISCHER'S ADDITION.tif FLEISCHER 1S ADDITION Lot 44- ZA considered AMENDED request of DR. ALAN B. LLOYD & PAMELA A. LLOYED to construct a 3-level medical office bldg with parking at the first level; office bldg. to: (1) obseve 0 1 front yd where 15' is reqd; (2) observe an 8 1 side yd on the west with parking deck ob93'V"" ing a 0 1 side yd where 10 1 is required; (3) observe a 9' side yard on the east with parking deck observing a O' side yd where 10 1 is required; (4) observe a 15' rear yd where 21' is required; (5) provide 206 sq. ft. of landscaping where 1,204 sq. ft. is required; (6) provide access to required parking by means of a driveway easement across an adjoining lot where parking must have direct and adjacent access to a public street or alley; and (7) result in 62'/o coverage where 50% is the maximum permitted at 842 East Washington St., Zone 400; and after consideration of findings of facts, had DENIED as requested, but APPROVED (1) observe a 4 1 front yd where 15' is required; (2) the northwest corner of bldg to observe a 15' rear yd where 21 1 is reqd; (3) provide 323 sq. ft. of landscaping where 1,204 sq. ft. is reqd; (4) wall on the west property line a max. of 7' high; & (5) provide access to reqd parking by means of a driveway easement across adjoining lot, subj to cond. C-18508 7/27/84