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Fleetridge Heights #1 Card 1

FLEETRIDGE HEIGHTS #1 CARD 1.tif?LEE'r:il.IDG-E LNIT i',l. 1 oo).1:1'.o S Card 1 \ Lot 43- Perrni t DEliIED to: illiam & Hazel ilae ',,agner to con::; sing fa.rr, res with 15 1 rearyd on Emerson.3t. Sly of C'lrleton St.-----~e:;3506_----------------.5.~-:-5l____________-... Lot 48- Fermit t0 Ft. Lome~ Holdinr: Corp., owner f,;. /rarJ.k l._-..;ose, f.-ur., to blci res with 10 1 SB on Emerson St., tr:: cor Emer:;;on & Clove 0ts. l:i.es_Ko. 6074 12-12-5:i_ Lot 111- Permit to rl.. t,. lfonsees to maintain e:we of rea 3 1 from i-;rop line (3'-9") req.,___,a...._t.._._.reu...= af res anJy, at %20-14:g_ett:.,r.Ca;;e No.193_l:;:_--14-.5.4___________ "Lot 15- Per] to rlc:.rold & Betty;,;essen,er to ccnst oath & lanai addn to res to hav-e 10' rear y;u:d, at 353'3 C;;rleton Av~, R-1.;tes J\o._ ~2-:>-1~9__ ~1=1=--,2~.J~--5~5~--------- \ Lot 12- Permit to Lrs. Lauretta?. Price to const 4' 5' retain wall with j; 4 1 5' fence on top (5' hi fence abv aver adj ford level r:erm) 3516 Carleton St. rt-1. i';.H.-----------------__------~JtA627_________ l_Z-l:i--Q.1_ '- Lot 4- Permit to h. J.:,::Oeulah l,icholas to oon.;t sing fam dwell with "ly,1in,c; oos 17' SB where 20 1 is re- or.:.. side of:_.merson::.,t., 50 1-,e;;;t of Clo,e;:;t., '-'One lt-1.____ C9_:;;_i:LJ'io_,__~-14Q_ J-17-o4 '- Lot 56- Permit to Armand & Norma Campillo to (1) constr a sin fam dwell obs at closest point a 12' setback on Carleton St. where 15' is estab (2) erect approx 16 1 of 8 1 high ret wail obs at closest point a 4' rear yard where max 6 1 hi wall is perm in req 20' rear yard, at the SE cor Fenelon St. and Carleton St. Zone R-1-5, C-13070 N~H. 4-8-75 \Lot 17- Permit to Daniel Gabino and Stephany H. Martinez to const a rec rm, bedr and bath addn to exs sfd; addn to obs at clst pt a 16' rear yd at 3549 Carleton Street. R-1-5 Zone. Condition. C-14341 NH. 5-3-77.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~ "-