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Fleetridge #2 Card 3

FLEETRIDGE #2 CARD 3.tif FLEETRIDGE UNIT NO. 2 00.301-./0 S:J.ob-lW/7 Card No. 3 Lot 88- ZA APPROVED Fence Variance request of DAVID G. BURNEY to (1) install 2 1 high solid glar:is panels above an existing solid wall a max. 4'-3" high, currently in violation, resulting in a max. 6 1-3 11 high, solid fence within the 15' estab. street-side setback, where a 6' high fence is the max. permitted, provided the bottom 3' is solid and the top 3 1 is 50% open in compliance with design criteria; and (2) maintain existing, max. 8 1 high, combination retaining wall/solid fence, currently in violation, within the 15 1 estab. front setback, where an 8 1 total height of comb. retaining wall /solid fence is permitted, provided that no single plane exceeds 6 1 in height, and no freestanding por. exceeds 3 1 in height and that horizontal separations are provided in complaince with design criteria, located at 1405 Carleton Square, Rl-10,000 Zone. Conditions. C-20884 12/19/91 NH Lot 94- Agreement with PHIL AND PAT SULLIVAN to construct a one-story addition to an existing one-story, single-family dwelling, Addition to consist of bedroom, library and 3/4 bath; addition to have interior access via hall from kitchen, dining room and exterior access at 1422 Carleton Square, Zone Rl-10,000. A-5581 6/2/93