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First Addn. To South La Jolla Block 7 Card 1

FIRST ADDN. TO SOUTH LA JOLLA BLOCK 7 CARD 1.tif ELvC,. 7 Block 7. (ZCh::. rLl /LL,lhihv L.ttDE.:t) That, the i3uilding Inspector is ins-cr'Uc:ted hOT to is::;ue pe:mits other than allow0d_in ZCN.a:. "A" ur1til:;;uch time a:c section is ZvL.. D as re.. ue.;ted.,r.,ots land 2-;:arie A rl.ubicam Di:l-:ED;:,ermit to ciivide S(lid lots into 2 c.arcels:'acing ueJ..Vedere St. and cont. du,lex on each, lfo corner of Lo;r,te Tista Jt. o!lO. belvedere St. Lots 1 & 2- lermit to.Sliz. R hdkins & Geo Hex rtubic Jll to div into 2,.ar &. build 1 tli. ng fa.--n res on ea., E side of Eonte Vi3ta betw belvedere & r'ern Glen.________,1.e .. Ko. 4946 9-6-50_ Lots 11 & 12- Pennit to i,liz ,. i,dkins t, Geo.'iex,tubics,m to div into 2 J.-;1r & con,,t. 2 liv unit on ea., avera;::e s,tback on /ern Clen & Eelveuere, on L.; 2lvd to be average of 2 adj blocks, but not less 10 1,. side LJ i;ivd betw:'ern oleri c~ 10elvec:_ere . Eo Fort. of Lots 1 f-, 2- Pe1mt, to cons 2nd bouse on per of 2 lots_;'.ter ~;oing, H.L. & E. c;ide Eonte lista betw. /ern & Lelvechre. Port. of Lots 1 c, 2- Permit to corns dwe~linf witi:1 10 1 setback en Lont.e llista St. to H. L. c,nci helen.,cith Sweet, ~ side i:onte lista betw.:'ern__________________----~1u.l.e=;;___ 5675 Lots 9 & 10- Permit DJcl:l.c.D Fhilip T. & 1-'elen C. Eattson, Jr. to const,,pt over ex:;.st 2-ca.r p,r, making total oi' two dwellings on 2-lot par., at 450 Belvedere::it.,. <'...onerl.-1. Case No. 5156_ 9-14-62_______ Lots 9 & 10- Abl VE!J,?E.~L;;;D and appeal 6ran ted ano. the decision of ti1e Acting Zoing Administrator wc1s overrruled & a;:--pellant I s a;-peal sustained. Case No. 5156 9-14-62